If it has been asked before you should find the answer here. If there is anything else you would like to know, please contact us through our contact form or chat.

If you are already working with weBOUND, send an email to your account manager and we will be happy to help.

1. Would my business benefit from digital marketing?

Of course! Even today many companies remain reluctant when it comes to digital marketing, but they are not aware of the benefits that come with it.

Having a digital presence is like having a 24/7 open store that is open even when you are not around. It enables you to be reached by prospects every day, all day and it helps them to find you online. Especially for the majority of the younger generation you just simply don’t exist if you can’t be found online.

Social media is a huge search engine for consumers and with the right targeting, you are even able to put your offer right in their face—even when they are out and active on their phone.

By the way, studies show that 63% of all US online traffic comes from smartphones and tablets and 80% of social media browsing is on mobile devices (Source: Stone Temple, Smart Insights, Marketing Land).

2. Why should I hire a digital marketing agency instead of doing it in-house?

Well, it really depends on your company.

If you are an established brand, you probably know that staff is expensive — they get sick, they need to be managed by someone, they take time off, go on maternity leave, and they need the right and consistent training in an ever-changing digital marketing world.

Hiring a professional agency who can work year-round around the clock like weBOUND will save you time, stress, and money in the long-run.

If you are an entrepreneur with a small team on the other hand, you might need to invest either money or time to get the skills you need to out-perform your competition regardless of the ever-changing algorithm. To become an expert you might need to sacrifice other parts of your business and if you are hiring a freelancer in a field you are not experienced in you might burn yourself quickly.

But that is not even all of it.

For most digital marketing services offered in the market, you need to tap into a full skillset like copywriting, creativity, understanding funnels, analytical skills, and be a strategic and adaptive thinker.

Hiring a digital marketing agency like weBOUND will give you multiple experts for the price of one and take the headache off your plate plus drive results within a short period of time.

Schedule a call with our team if you want to find out if we are a good fit.

3. Do you offer any additional services that are not listed on the website?

Currently, we are sticking to the services we offer on our website.

However, as an international digital marketing agency, we might be able to help in areas that are connected to the services we offer through our international network and expertise.

Book your free discovery call and let us know what we can do for you.

4. Do you have certification?

Yes and no! We have more than 12 years of experience in what we do and went to many hands-on online and offline trainings as masterminds with experts around the world but we don’t believe in badges as a sign for quality.

Marketing is moving fast, unfortunately, most educational companies aren’t as it’s administratevly not possible.

This is why we rather focus on trainings that bring our and our clients’ business to the next level with the newest strategies in the market instead of just shoulder tapping ourselves for a certified course that is already outdated when it’s launched.

Check testimonials and see what others have to say about us and our services.

5. How long will it take to see results from social media?

That is a great question! We live in an era where everyone wants everything right now.

Unfortunately (or not), social media is a long-term investment which means it will take a few weeks or months to reach the results you want, depending on your chosen service, your budget, your current social media presence, and your industry.

6. Do you offer training and workshops?

Yes, of course! We regularly host our own workshops or trainings in collaboration with partners or as part of conferences in Austria and abroad.

Furthermore, we offer coaching sessions that we like to call PowerHours, and guest speaking.

If you are interested in participating in one of our events or would like to book our experts for your event, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

7. How much do you charge?

How much does a car cost? 🙂 It is hard to answer this in just a few words, because every company is different, and so is every project.

We do not have a one-for-all solution.

We create a strategy and implement it based on your status quo and specific needs.

Let’s continue with the transportation example:

Where are you at right now, where do you want to go, how fast do you want to drive there and how many people (products) are you taking with you?

To find out more, book a complimentary discovery call or continue reading about our process on our services page.

8. Which markets do you cover?

As an international company with our team coming from different countries in Europe and the USA, we offer all of our services in English and German.

We have worked with companies in Europe, North America, and Australia.

Due to our global network, we are happy to assist you if you require a service in another language than English or German if we can.

Feel free to reach out to us.

9. Which companies do you work with?

We love all shapes and sizes and do not discriminate.

Currently, small and mid-size companies are the ones that ask most for our services.

If you are a (funded) startup with a smaller budget, then one of our PowerHour sessions might be the right fit for you.

If you are a bigger brand looking for fresh strategies from an international company with out-of-the-box approaches then do not hesitate to contact us.

10. Do I pay for services in advance?

Yes, when we take on a new client payments are usually fulfilled beforehand.

Once we have received your first payment, we are ready to kickstart your campaigns.

If you are working with us on a regular basis we offer monthly retainers that can be invoiced or automatically deducted from your bank account.

This is a service we provide to save you time, money, and headache.

11. How many hours per month will you dedicate to me?

It is hard to say an exact timeframe by the hour because we do not offer hourly rates unless you want to be consulted by our marketing experts or founder. You can book our team for PowerHours or our founder for strategic guidance.

Our other services are either sold in packages or monthly retainers.

These are also one of the reasons why a discovery call is so important as we will define your targets (KPIs) and based on that we will set a monthly retainer to reach your goals.

12. What if you work over the allocated hours per month?

Usually, our estimations are right on point.

However, we live in a world where unpredictable challenges and obstacles like algorithm changes, overused marketing strategies that the market doesn’t react to anymore or newly launched features may occur.

To avoid any surprises for both sides we require for every advertising campaigns a paid audit as a first step at the beginning of our work together. This small amount will be deducted from your strategy fee once we start working together.

In case of any changes that arise out of our control, whether done by the client, the platforms or another third-party we have the right to renegotiate or charge additional hours — but it will always be communicated first. 

13. Is your team ‘in-house?’

Yes and no.

We have settled in Vienna, Austria, but we do not limit ourselves to a location and also operate remotely – one of our core values.

Also we use our extensive network of specialists to make things happen for you and provide the right service, in the right language and with the most knowledgeable person in the required field.

Some of our digital marketers are spread across the globe in Europe, North and South America, Australia, and Asia. And we have tested them all!

14. Do I need an advertising budget?

It depends on what you want to achieve.

We recommend that you have a budget, even if you publish organic social media content like regular posts. However, generelly speaking, what you pay for is what you get.

You do not need to necessarily spend a fortune on an advertising budget, rather focus on the return on investment (ROI).

As organic reach keeps on dropping and competition is rising, we highly recommend an investment of at least €5,- per day into social media posts.

15. What if a strategy is not working?

Through our experience we have have noticed that campaigns that don’t bring the results wanted have usually one of these following reasons.

Your company has a strategic or marketing problem:

  • You think you have a (sales) strategy in place (that is also scalable) but you don’t.
  • You aren’t crystal clear about who your client or customer is and don’t have a perfect client avatar – also called marketing or sales persona – defined to the level it requires to make the consumer feel that you have the solution to their problem.
  • You don’t have an enough-validated offer yet and therefore we don’t know if your offer is relevant to the market. This is a mismatch in product and market. 
  • You don’t have any case studies, testimonials or social proof yet. This is an authority issue.
  • Your business-model is not set up for scale.
  • You don’t have a good enough funnel to acquire customers at profit and scale.

If it’s none of the above then you don’t have to worry!

Our 3 step growth process includes a “Test, optimize – repeat!” phase in which we test the proposed strategy, and if it does not yield desired results, we evaluate and apply the adjusted approach.

16. What happens to all the documents and images that you create for my business?

This is where our contract comes in handy.

As stated, we keep all reports, materials for printing, films, and illustrations for no extra charge for one year and upon request, it will be handed over to the customer in that period. Otherwise, it will be destroyed.

However, we have the right to use those materials for promotional purposes, unless we have a different agreement.

17. You work with freelancers for certain projects, how is that better than just an in-house marketing team or hiring them directly?

All companies are different and require a unique approach. Therefore, we sometimes tap into our global network of partners who are sometimes also freelancers.

However, all carefully selected partners we work with have many years of experience in their field, know our processes and systematic approaches, and we only work with those that will provide the best service.

This is also beneficial for you because instead of looking for and managing freelancers yourself, where you might get burned in the process, you will have a dedicated marketing partner that does the work for you.

18. What is the minimum contract period?

Generally speaking, until the work is done.

If you are only looking to be coached or get a strategy from us, then until we have fulfilled the deliverables.

However, for advertising funnels and management we usually require a 90-day contract to get the results we agreed upon.


SEO is short for search engine optimization, which is a process of using on- and offsite tactics to rank on search engines like Google. Moreover, it increases your quantity and quality of your traffic — hence more of the right customers for you.

It is important because the majority of web traffic is generated by search engines. But that is not all. 

Posting on social media can also help you with ranking on Google as more traffic on your website signals Google to rank you higher on their search engine. Congratulations, you are relevant!

>And there is more. Something that most people aren’t aware of yet is that YouTube is actually the second most-used search engine. If you are using YouTube you want to make sure to have a slight understanding of it.

Schedule a free discovery call with our team!

Are we a match? Do you want to hit your business goals, decrease customer acquisition costs, build a community and increase engagement rates? Then get in touch with us!
Connect with us on social media to receive industry updates and strategic tips before they have reached the masses.

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